What’s it called?

There's a sense of a fight about to start between animals. In nona's own experience she witnessed a stare down between a chihuahua and a pitbull once. There was no growling or barking just silence.

And then the chihuahua got tackled.

For the record the chihuahua survived but it was an experience that scared her and made her realize how dangerous things could get so quickly. There didn't always have to be a step by step process. Sometimes situations hit the fan and got out of control…..

That was what it felt like.

Being pinned to the wall by the CEO while Eguchi the sales rep stared on in contempt. Silence fell and nona couldn't help wonder if this was the eye before the storm.

"I apologize, i did knock but seeing as you were busy you must not have heard me."

There was a twitch but Nona missed as she was dying on the inside.


And she wanted to be saved that was for sure, but to have the one guy that she was actually interested in walk in to see her being MOLESTED by the CEO…..

Her level of misfortune was incredible.

An unfortunate girl born on an unfortunate day under an unfortunate star leading to her series of unfortunate circumstances…..


"I'm going to assume that you needed something then."

Zakai took a step back and Nona took a deep breath. Was she going to be allowed to speak?

"Yes sir, these papers require your seal."

Eguchi bowed elegantly and Nona couldn't help the sparkle in her eyes as she watched him. However as Zakai reached out to get the papers they all fell.

The room was quiet as only the sound of papers shuffling to the ground could be heard. Nona watched in horror at the scene but more so at the CEO,

"Oh dear, looks like they fell. Eguchi-san PICK IT UP."

It wasn't said loudly but with an air of authority. Like a king talking down to his servant, or an owner their dog. Nona watched with eyes wide. Why?


Eguchi bent down and kneeling began to pick up the papers.

[Watch quietly]

[help pick up papers.]

Was it really a thought.?

She bent down almost desperate.

[Help pick up papers]

She didn't like to get too involved with the targets lives but this seemed wrong. It seemed off in more than one sense and so sending Eguchi a quick smile she leaned forward to pick up all the papers.

Not noticing the tension.