A Dragon That Can't Dig a Hole is Not a Good Dragon (7)

Shen Yanxiao was still a little confused, but the Dragon God was looking at her with a pleading look. Shen Yanxiao was now even more confused.

The Dragon God wanted to cry very much. Girl, don't worry! Can't you see that some great master's possessiveness for you has reached the point of insanity? Let me squat inside your body? That guy will absolutely crush me into mincemeat!

War God, I really have no intention of defiling your little lady's pure heart lake. Don't look at me with such intense eyes. I don't want to die yet.

Shen Yanxiao's act of kindness made the Dragon God feel a strong killing intent from someone.

"All right." Shen Yanxiao did not know what was going on. She just subconsciously felt that Xiu was staying well in her heart lake, and Vermillion Bird and Taotie were also staying well, so she wanted to invite the Dragon God as well. After all, this was the least she could do after she received some of the power in the Dragon King's Decree.