A Dragon That Can't Dig a Hole is Not a Good Dragon (8)

In the valley located in the northern region of the Hidden Dragon Continent.

Long Shi glared at the unknown creature that was wrapped up like a spring roll.

"What is this for?" Shen Yu stood on one side and looked at Vermilion Bird who was in charge of delivering the goods.

It had been some time since Shen Yanxiao left the northern region. Shen Yu and Wen Ya had been worried about her safety for the past few days. Then, Vermilion Bird returned at night and did not bring Shen Yanxiao back. Instead, he brought back such a strange bag.

Vermilion Bird curled his lips. He was very unhappy about bringing an undead along with him. He lit a flame on his fingertips and hurled it over. The small flame burned the rope that tied the sheet and Vermilion Bird immediately kicked the "spring roll".

The "spring roll" unfolded quickly.

A gray-skinned undead teenager rolled out in confusion.

His eyes were closed, as if he was still asleep.