I Love You, But I Don't Dare to Let You Know (14)

"I'm new here. May I ask, what does your master like and dislike eating?"

"I actually thought you really detested our ancestor. Turns out you just want to know how to please him," scoffed a female servant.

The other female servant then said, "Our ancestor loves seafood such as crabs, escargots, fish, and prawns. He absolutely detests all types of starchy food made of flour."

With a nod, An Xiaoning asked, "What does he hate most about women?"

The two servants looked at each other before saying, "Don't think of doing anything our ancestor would hate. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire."

They had seen through her.

However, An Xiaoning continued to pretend as if she had not been exposed and said instead, "I can't wait to please him, why would I dig my own grave?"

"Glad you know better."

"Okay, we're almost done, hurry and get out of the tub."