I Love You, But I Don't Dare to Let You Know (15)

"Bring me the profits records for the past few months. I need to tally the sums."

"Didn't we already tally them together during the video conference?"

Glaring at her, Mei Yangyang retorted, "Do you really think I could see them clearly from the call? I'm going to tally the sums again before showing it to Sis Xiaoning when she comes back."

Xu Jingwen had no choice but to hand her the records and funds collected.

"Remove all the clothes on display right now and return them to the supplier. I'll re-order a new batch of stocks," Mei Yangyang instructed, keeping her eyes peeled on the records.

Feeling disgruntled, Xu Jingwen and Zhang Li proceeded to do as instructed.

"Yangyang, is Sis Xiaoning back?"

"Sis had gone overseas to attend to something, she didn't mention when she would be back. I didn't realize earlier during the video conference that we've been losing a lot of customers lately. Why is that so?" Mei Yangyang questioned.