The Secret About the Past (111)

"How was handling the duties at the office today? Did you come across any difficulties?"

Jin Qingyan immediately said, "With Shixin and your team of elites around, even an idiot can handle them well."

"Alright, you shall manage the company from now on. I have something else to do lately," An Xiaoning said with a straight face.

"What is it? Searching for your biological parents?"

An Xiaoning nodded and proceeded to tell him about the fabric.

Staring at her, Jin Qingyan said, "But we can't enter the palace freely."

An Xiaoning nodded and replied, "I know, but since we have a lead now, I'd like to give it a try."

"I support your decision to look for them. But, let's do it slowly. You'll need more than just a few days to find your parents anyway. The situation at the company is a little unstable lately, could you begin searching after everything has stabilized?"