The Secret About the Past (112)

"Ms. An, I'm not in a good mood. Thus, I may sound a little impatient. Please don't take it to heart."

"Tell me your birth characters again. I still remember Mr. Ling's clearly but I've already forgotten yours," An Xiaoning inquired.

"Alright." Song Yan then told An Xiaoning her birth characters and timing of birth.

"Ms. Song, you and Mr. Ling don't have a future together. Don't bother clinging onto any hopes of getting back together anymore."

"Did you only say that because Ciye is dating your sister-in-law?"

Her words had infuriated An Xiaoning, who retorted, "Since you're so doubtful, why did you even bother looking me up?"

Song Yan was at a loss for words.

"Is it really impossible between us?"

"Yes, impossible."

"How about him and Jin Qingyue?"

"I'm sorry, but this is a separate matter that I can't divulge. Do you have any more questions pertaining to yourself?" An Xiaoning asked.