The Secret About the Past (113)

An Xiaoning was aware that she herself was not the only one who could communicate with spirits in this world.

She was at a momentary loss for words.

Noticing the awful expression on her face, Pan Zhenghui was exceptionally careful with his words and said, "Xiaoning, if you'd really like to resume your duties, I'll speak to my superiors about it."

"Was it Head-of-Office Xu who made the arrangements?" An Xiaoning asked.

"Yes," Pan Zhenghui acknowledged with a nod.

"There's no need for that. Why should I still continue to stay here when you don't even bother informing me of such a major change? I still have more important things to do. Goodbye." She placed her teacup down onto the table and turned around to leave.

"Xiaoning, Xiaoning, don't be in such a hurry to leave." Pan Zhenghui hurriedly tried to stop her.