The Secret About the Past (121)

She had no choice but to let his mother believe that there was indeed nobody inside.

Jin Qingyue had not eaten her lunch and had intended to send Ling Ciye the soup she made, then buy some food on the street for herself as well. But it seemed like everything had gone down the drain now.

She could only lie down on the bed and get a good sleep.

But before she could get to sleep, she heard Mrs. Ling outside the door calling the locksmith company.

This was not a good sign.

After much thought, Jin Qingyue could only switch off her phone first so that she would not give herself away. Then, she put all her clothes and belongings into a suitcase, placing it into the cabinet, where she hid it under stacks of blankets.

She also put away all the female products in the room.

Then what about herself?