The Secret About the Past (122)

The couple acted lovey-dovey for the whole afternoon. When evening finally came near, Jin Qingyan started nagging her about all sorts of things.

"You love eating spicy food, you should cut down on it. Eating too much will make your body heaty. Eat more light-tasting food. Also, you need to keep that temper of yours in control there. It's best not to start any trouble. The President has two sons and a daughter. While you're working around his daughter, you must be extra careful of his two sons."

"Careful of what?" An Xiaoning asked the obvious.

"Be careful to make sure they don't fall for you, of course."

"…" An Xiaoning felt that he was really overthinking!

"Didn't I already say, with that mask that you made for me, no one will fall for me. Don't worry, with such an ordinary-looking face, the Prince will only fall for me if he's blind."