The Secret About the Past (139)

Jin Qingyan nodded and said, "That's good. I believe you've seen for yourself how much Qingyue has changed over the years. But of course, everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness. You two have my blessing."

Ling Ciye reached his hand out to give him a fist bump.

Jin Qingyan then drove to Ling Ciye's gambling den in Yangxia Road, which he knew was thriving. He had instructed the latter years ago to inform him if any of his family members visited the den to gamble.

Upon arriving, he asked Sister Hong, the manager of the gambling den, about his father.

She told him that Mr. Jin had visited the den on several occasions and would often place high bets and stakes, though she was not sure if he won or lost. Jin Qingyan then instructed her to inform him immediately the next time Mr. Jin shows up.

Sister Hong agreed.

Just as Jin Qingyan exited from the room, he was stopped by Sister Hong. "Mr. Jin, your father is here."