The Secret About the Past (140)

"Yangyang, you must be careful at all times. Call me if anything happens," Long Tianze reminded her worriedly.

"Got it, rest assured. Take care of everything at home. I'll be on my guard at all times," said Mei Yangyang as she tiptoed to give him a kiss.

Long Tianze nodded earnestly.

Jin Qingyan and Mei Yangyang set off to B City in his car. Jin Qingyan had also instructed for his private jet to tag along, so as to shorten the duration needed for the journey home.

It was noontime when they arrived in B City. He immediately sent An Xiaoning a text message to inform her about their plan to switch places. However, the latter had yet to reply.

Naturally, there was no way she could make it out of the palace during the daytime, especially since security was tight in the Autumn Palace. Servants and bodyguards would only be allowed to leave when they were told to do so by their masters or superiors.