The Secret About the Past (167)

Jin Qingyue immediately stood up from the couch upon sight of Mrs. Ling exiting.

"Auntie, are you leaving already?"

Mrs. Ling expressed assent and left. She did not wish to ignore Jin Qingyue since she had watched the latter grow up, after all.

Jin Qingyue entered the bedroom and asked, "What did you and Auntie talk about?"

"Nothing much, she just agreed to change her attitude toward you if I could make your reputation improve."

"I'm not a celebrity and can't clean up my reputation. How are you going to clear my name?" Jin Qingyue asked in surprise.

"You may not be a celebrity but you can enjoy media exposure as celebrities do. Leave it to me to handle, you don't have to care about this."

"Brother Ciye…"

"What's wrong?"

Jin Qingyue sat beside him and grabbed his hand affectionately. "I'll treat you well for the rest of my life."