The Secret About the Past (168)

An Xiaoning had no choice but to drop the idea.

Things were progressing much slower than she had imagined.

She only managed to obtain Tuoba Rui's hair samples from Tuoba Shuo a month later. It then took another few days to send the hair samples out of the Autumn Palace for a DNA test to be carried out.

An Xiaoning finally received the results several days later.

An Xiaoning let out a sigh when Jin Qingyan informed her of the test results.

She rarely sighed.

She only ever reacted that way when she felt completely helpless about a truth that can never be changed.

The results proved that she was indeed Tuoba Rui's biological daughter.

It was an undebatable truth.

Although Tuoba Rui was already in his fifties, he was still handsome and suave. One can only imagine how much of a heartthrob he was back in the day.

However, An Xiaoning did not feel like she took after him at all.