The Secret About the Past (169)

Madam Lin remained silent throughout since she was, in fact, rather reluctant to let her daughter marry into the Tuoba family.

However, she was not allowed to have a say in this matter.

An Xiaoning could not help but feel like Tuoba Gucheng did not seem to fancy Lin Shishi much, somehow. He appeared cool and collected, hiding all his emotions beneath an expressionless face.

Compared to the elusive Tuoba Gucheng, Lin Shishi wore her heart on her sleeve.

Happiness was written all over her face, and even the blind could tell that she was thrilled about the engagement.

An Xiaoning looked at Tuoba Danxue, who was continuously pinching her own thigh to keep herself awake.

They initially thought that the Lin family would leave right after the discussion was over. Contrary to their expectations, the Lin family stayed behind for lunch and only left during noontime.