A Million Times for You (72)

Upon hearing how serious the matter was, Lin Shishi immediately proceeded to look for Tuoba Gucheng without delay, before even having her breakfast.

"First Lady, why are you still so mindless and reckless when you move about? What's going to happen if you fall down?" Shi Xiaoyu said teasingly with a smile.

"Mother, do you know where Gucheng is now?" she asked worriedly.

"He's having a meeting. What's the matter?"

"I have something important to tell him."

Shi Xiaoyu walked with her and asked, "What's the matter? You seem really flustered."

"Something has happened to my godsister. She went missing all of a sudden, we can't find her at all."

Shi Xiaoyu lit up with surprise and asked, "You mean An Xiaoning?"

"Yes." Lin Shishi hurriedly left, leaving Shi Xiaoyu in high spirits.

It seems to be Heaven's will. An Xiaoning had met with a mishap even before I took action on her.