A Million Times for You (73)

It wasn't a carriage, since there was no cage.

She just went forward barefooted with the chains around her legs weighing heavily on her.

Looking at the clothing of the audience that was gathered around, she saw that everyone was dressed in branded clothes and shoes. She looked back at herself, who was clad in her thin prisoner clothing and was freezing 'til her face was shaking badly.

Yet, she had no form of power to resist at all.

An Xiaoning was like a spirit watching all these unfold from one side. As she watched on, she felt like she was heading toward the small figure and entering her body.

She felt pain all over and was hungry and thirsty. Her legs hurt until she could no longer move ahead.

As she walked on, her gaze landed on a corner of the audience.

There was a figure standing with folded arms.

With a white robe on and handsome features, the figure looked at her with a cold gaze.