A Million Times for You (79)

"She's on Mount Qingping in R Nation. Contact the people there immediately, I'd like to speak to them directly over the phone."

"Yes," Fan Shixin acknowledged.

"Where's that man?"

"Waiting in another room. We didn't let him out."

"Very good. Tell Xiao Huang to take him here to see the sorry plight his wife is in now. Then, get rid of him."

"Yes, Young Sir. Do we hand them over to the government?"

"Kill them then move their bodies overseas. Dump them in front of the police station abroad."



It was 4 pm in S Nation and 4 am in R Nation.

At this very moment, both Pei Yi and An Xiaoning were still sound asleep.

For the past few nights, her hands would be handcuffed behind her back whenever it was time for bed, and they would only be unlocked the next morning.

It had become a nightly routine.

An Xiaoning did not struggle or try to provoke him and instead just succumbed abidingly.