A Million Times for You (80)

After the filming was done, An Xiaoning took a shower and changed into a fresh set of clothes. Her wrists were no longer handcuffed either. She even watched the video of her staged execution together with Pei Yi.

Everyone is going to think that I died, she thought to herself while staring at the video.

Pei Yi watched the video twice to confirm that there were no errors before instructing Qin Guo to send the video to Tuoba Gucheng and Jin Qingyan.

"Ancestor, do we let the citizens of S Nation know about it?" Qin Guo asked.

"No, just them both will do. Just leave those citizens guessing. Otherwise, it's going to affect us negatively. I doubt Tuoba Gucheng will show it to his citizens anyway. Hurry and get my breakfast served. I'm hungry."

"Alright." Qin Guo did as instructed.

The door closed slowly. Pei Yi lay onto the couch sluggishly and looked at An Xiaoning from head to toe before saying, "I fancy women who smile."