A Million Times for You (82)

Mo Li continued, "In hindsight, I've been suffering most of the time throughout the past one decade or so that I've been in a relationship with you. We did live blissfully for a short while after Nini was born, but it was too short-lived, so much so that all I remember about you is the pain and torment you've put me through. In fact, I even distanced myself from my friends because of you. I already had a very small social circle to begin with, yet I almost became like a loner for your sake. It's really amusing now that I think about how pathetic my life was. I regret it so much…"

Mo Li then walked away while Ye Xiaotian watched her figure vanish slowly out of sight.

He hung his head low feebly and stared at his hand. At the end of the day, nothing went his way.

His daughter had passed away and his wife had divorced him. To make matters worse, things at the company had been going downhill lately as well.