A Million Times for You (83)

Lin Mingxi nodded and asked, "Which episode are we filming now?"

"We've been following the filming schedule and we've already filmed two episodes."

"Alright, do as you deem fit. You don't have to rush the progress, just ensure that the quality is satisfactory. I believe in your abilities, Director Jing."

Jing Tian smiled and asked softly, "About… Ms. An…"

Staring at him, Lin Mingxi asked, "Did the crew members mention anything about her the past few days?"

"No, no one dares to talk about her openly, but online… I've seen the news about the negotiation falling through. Will Ms. An be alright?"

"We don't know yet for now, but I'm sure Xiaoning will be able to overcome all odds with her strong abilities. You don't have to worry about the funds. Xiaoning has already transferred the money she's investing to our joint bank account previously. You just have to focus on filming. Don't worry about the rest," Lin Mingxi answered calmly.