A Million Times for You (245)

In fact, she was planning to release a few photos of the wedding onto the internet after it was over, so as to announce the news of her son finding romance again.

Ye Xiaotian did see Mo Li amongst the crowd when he was fetching the bride on his big day.

Mo Li made a stunning appearance only after the bride-fetching ceremony. She was so eye-catching that all eyes were on her, including those of Mr. and Mrs. Ye, Ye Xiaotian's brother, as well as his sister-in-law.

Mo Li was donning a pink dress and rocking her new haircut, which was a perfect match for the exquisite makeup on her face. She was ravishingly beautiful, so much so that the bride seemed to pale in comparison.

On top of that, the tall and muscular No. 8 was seated next to her, looking suave in his black, immaculately-tailored suit. They were holding hands, and it was obvious that they were a couple.

Ye Xiaotian did not expect her to really turn up with her boyfriend.