A Million Times for You (246)

"I prefer reading novels to watching television drama series. At least the storyline wouldn't ruin my impression of the main character. What's not to love?"

"If everyone thinks like you, the television series you invested in is going to take a loss."

An Xiaoning put her book down and said, "I cast all my favorite actors and actresses in the television series I invested in. But of course, there are bound to be lovers and haters, be it a television series or a novel. There are even people who dislike money, let alone such stuff."

"Are there actually people who don't like money?"

"Of course there are. Anything is possible in this world. Just because you haven't seen it before, doesn't mean it does not exist." An Xiaoning raised her chin slightly and continued, "What's your purpose for blowing up my phone and making a trip all the way down to my humble abode by your pregnant self?"