Perplexed and Smitten (55)

She put emphasis on the word "do."

His ear felt rather ticklish the moment her warm breath came into contact with it.

Hu Xin was extremely disgruntled to witness the sight before her. However, she managed to conceal her emotions well and did not show a tinge of her displeasure at all.

Upon hearing that he was about to leave, Hu Xin asked, "Is she threatening you because she has some sort of evidence against you?"

"No," he answered.

"Then why do you still… even when you clearly despise her?" Hu Xin, after all, was only twenty years old and was more impulsive. She would often speak her mind without thinking twice.

Clearly not wanting to explain, he said simply, "The noodles you made were tasty. Quickly get some rest once the window has been repaired."

He then walked toward the door. An Xiaoning noticed the exasperation written all over Hu Xin's face as she watched him leave without looking back at all.