Perplexed and Smitten (56)

"Why did you go to Hu Xin's place for dinner? Is there no one here to make dinner for you? Have all restaurants outside folded?" An Xiaoning questioned.

"I went because I felt like it. What other reasons do I need? I just act according to my mood," he answered straightforwardly.

"Do you fancy girls like her?"

"Must I really tell you that? So what if you know? You're not my type anyway," he answered haughtily.

An Xiaoning walked toward him and he avoided her without hesitation. "What are you trying to do?" he questioned.

"I hope you'll have a proper talk with me and stop putting on airs. It makes me tempted to do you on the spot whenever we can't see eye to eye, do you understand?"

"Why would such a woman like you exist in this world!?!" exclaimed a flabbergasted Henry. "Let's answer each other's question again, okay?"


"How are you so strong?"