I Want to Make You Stay (162)

She had been buried alive and compelled to break out of her own coffin before. Hence, the situation was no issue to her at all.

"We must start moving immediately if we want to get out now. Move all of these obstructions away. You two follow me while I lead the way."

Donggong Lianzhi said coldly, "I'm a man, after all, how can I let you take the lead? Your subordinate and I shall stay at the front while you walk behind us."

"I'm afraid we're really going to die of suffocation if I let you two lead the way. There's too much debris and we're going to take a long time based on the speed that you two are moving at. Let's stop wasting any more time. I reckon this is only the first step of your family's plan."

"I can't figure out why they wanted to do that…"