I Want to Make You Stay (163)

"Let me first ask you this. Do you have any actual girlfriends? If you do, things will inevitably get very complicated."

"I used to have one, but my family opposed to our relationship and made me break up with her. I had remained single ever since."

"That's great. You said that you don't get along too well with your family and you don't have a respected status at home either. Since you're now aware that someone in your family is out to sacrifice and kill you, do you plan to retaliate? I know it's a tough decision to make, but I'd really like to know what you're thinking."

"Instead of living my whole life stepping on eggshells and trying to hide from danger, I'd rather live a life that's fulfilling and according to my wishes. Although I don't quite have a place in my family, I still have a backbone. I'm all set."