I Want to Make You Stay (164)

"Xianxian, I'm done trying to knock some sense into you. Just forget it, stop being so obsessed and stubborn. It's enough. Nick has already agreed to hire you and he had even given us so much money."

"He's so wealthy. Five million dollars is peanuts to him. Is his life worth just five million dollars? I know he can't stand the sight of me now, but I still feel that I deserve more credit than An Xiaoning does. If it weren't for me, he would have died long ago. I can't help but feel indignant whenever I think about it."

She then opened her closet and began picking out an outfit. Mrs. Bu asked, "You just came home, why are you getting changed again?"

"I'm getting changed into my outfit for tonight."

"You're going out again at night? Where to and what for?"

"Mother, will you please just stay out of this? I'm not a three-year-old child," Bu Xianxian snapped while giving her the side-eye.