I Only Want You (113)

Jing Chu, Qiao An, and Fat Lass could not believe their ears at all.

"Is Jing Chu the child you had with the man whom you had eloped with back then?"

Li Wanru admitted to it.

"You… you're that mother of mine who sold me to those thugs for money? So you're the one who abandoned me and left me to fend for myself, thus causing me to be subjected to torment and hardship ever since I was a child. You're the one who caused me to almost lose my life after being set on fire by those people who wanted to sacrifice me as an offering! Why aren't you dead yet? How are you still alive and well? Don't you feel uneasy or guilty at all? You were the one who assisted Sis Qiao An's ex-husband in framing her and sending her to prison, aren't you? Have you finished serving your jail term? Why weren't you executed to death instead!?!" Jing Chu snapped angrily, glaring daggers at the woman whom she resented greatly. She wished she could just kill her.