I Only Want You (112)

Jing Chu returned to the forest with lots of items.

Pei Yi drove her and Fat Lass to the forest personally and dropped them off at the metal gate.

Jing Chu climbed up the ladder to get to the other side, only to discover that there were more than ten marsupial lions waiting for her. Upon the sight of her, they got up from the ground excitedly and shook their bodies.

Jing Chu could really use some help. She tied the items to their bodies and told them to bring them in for her. She was initially worried that she could not manage carrying so many things and hence decided to bring as little as possible. Now that she had some help, she told Pei Yi to prepare more necessary tools and equipment for her to bring inside.

She also instructed him to bring her some clean sheets and pillows, as well as some crockery and pork.

Pei Yi was their errand boy and chauffeur for the day.