I Only Want You (137)

Mrs. Mu said, "Just ignore her. She can only blame it on herself for ruining her own relationship. Your grandfather is extremely disappointed in her too. He thought that she could marry into the Lu family but that didn't turn out well."

Mu Wansheng remained silent. Like what Mrs. Mu had said, Wu Pingyang was the one who singlehandedly landed herself in such a sorry plight. There was no one to blame but herself.

The sky began to pour when Mu Wansheng was heading to the cemetery with Mrs. Mu.

It would rain almost every other day. Fortunately, they had prepared some umbrellas, which were placed inside the car.

The pair of mother and daughter headed home after paying respects to Mrs. Mu's parents.

The chauffeur was waiting for them inside the car. They sat on the backseat together, with Mrs. Mu on the left and Mu Wansheng on the right.