I Only Want You (136)

He could not figure out why his mother would let him marry a random woman but refuse to accept his girlfriend. To him, his girlfriend was a lot better than Mu Qixing

Mother has got such poor taste.

Mu Qixing did not feel uncomfortable or disturbed by his conversation with Xia Banqin at all.

She stared at the bottles of cosmetic products on the table, all of which were from a prestigious brand.

They were part of her dowry.

Her family had bought them for her.

Although she rarely put on makeup, she would often use some cosmetic and skincare products. She was 26 years old yet still very inexperienced.

She decided to try her hand at doing her own makeup. Surprisingly, the effects were not too bad.

Noticing that she had put on some makeup, Luo Xing quipped harshly, "What are you putting on makeup for? You're not going out anyway. Are you doing it for me? Don't bother wasting your efforts."