Pampering You to Bits (6)

The people who kicked the door open were a few finalists.

Staring at them, Long Xiaoxi asked calmly, "What are you doing?"

"What do you think we're doing? We don't think it's fair that you're champion," said the finalist who came in fifth.

"Does it actually matter whether or not you think it's fair? I don't need you to find it fair," Long Xiaoxi said with a smirk.

"You're really arrogant, huh? Quit beating around the bush. Just who are you? Who's your father?"

"Does it concern you who my father is?" said Long Xiaoxi, who could not be bothered to talk to her. As soon as she tried to leave, she was stopped by the indignant finalist.

"Who said you could leave?"

Long Xiaoxi pushed her away and said with a sullen expression, "Are you tired of living? Scram."

The woman poked Long Xiaoxi's arm and gibed, "Seems like you must be really wealthy. Otherwise, why would you be so arrogant?"

"You're just asking for trouble."