Pampering You to Bits (5)

To her surprise, she received a reply right after she sent the message.

Long Xiaoxi was dumbfounded after reading the content.

It was short and cold. "Let's never meet again from now on. Good that you're happy."

Long Xiaoxi did not expect that he would end their friendship. She hurriedly tried to call him again, but to no avail, because he would end the call almost instantly.

She hated such a feeling.

However, she had a hunch that Zhong Minhe wouldn't have been so harsh with her.

Hence, Long Xiaoxi decided to have a good chat with Zhong Minhe after the finals of the modeling contest. If he could understand her predicament, they could then remain friends. However, if he was really the one who had sent that text, she wouldn't force him to continue being friends with her.

The modeling contest had garnered lots of attention, and it was widely broadcast on all television channels.