Great Harvest (2)

Apparently, the medium-grade spirit stones only worked for cultivators at Martial Qi Level Two. If one stepped into Martial Qi Level Three, the amount of energy that the medium-grade spirit stones could provide would be very limited. Even Ye Qingtang required at least a thousand of medium-grade spirit stones to advance her cultivation level.

Ye Qingtang walked forward and stopped beside the corpse of the Yunxiao Sect disciple.

She found another five medium-grade spirit stones from the Yunxiao Sect disciple and a silver color token.

"Yunxiao token…" Ye Qingtang sized up the token and muttered.

The Yunxiao token belonged to Yunxiao Sect disciples only, and it represented their identity.

Ye Qingtang was slightly attracted to the token.

The token might be useful in the future.

Ye Qingtang then kept the token into her space ring.

The harvest she had this time was way beyond her imagination.