Unexpected Surprise (1)

"…" There was a subtle change in Ye Qingtang's expression as she stared at the lightning dragon.

Most of the spirit energy in the medium-grade spirit stones had been absorbed by her, and the remaining energy could not be used by humans anymore, so they were considered useless.

But she forgot that…

The last trace of spirit energy that could not be obtained by people still could be used by lightning dragons as they would swallow the entire stone.

Though most of the spirit energy was used by Ye Qingtang, the remaining was still much more than the spirit energy that inferior-grade spirit stones contained. No wonder the lightning dragon was so excited.

Ye Qingtang smiled and watched the lightning dragon swallowing all the seventeen medium-grade spirit stones. It laid beside her in satisfaction. Ye Qingtang could not help but poke its round belly gently.