Black Witch (4)

Black witches specialized in voodoo and black magic. They could curse someone near them without being detected. No one dared to speak out and say that they had any kind of contact with the black witch.

The glamorous lady who had brought Ye Qingtang her food now clasped her hands before her chest in terror and unease. Her stark white face looked at the Bishop of York as she kneeled in panic.

"Beloved Bishop of York, the black witch tried to fool me into giving her food. I did not know who she was. Can I be saved? Has she put some evil black magic spell on me?" The woman was almost crying in fear.

"My poor child." The Bishop of York looked at the woman's heaving bosom, and his expression wavered. He put on a compassionate look. "Don't worry, I have already burnt the black witch to death. You must return to the Vatican with me later. I will use Holy Water to exorcise the black magic curse, and you will be safe."