White Magician (1)

The halo of light surrounding Ye Qingtang seemed to interlace with the moonlight. How pure, holy, and sacred it was!

"This is… white magic…" The Bishop of York said, and his mouth was hung ajar in disbelief.

It was rumored that the source of magic originally existed in this mainland, and those who possessed the source of magic were divided into two camps: one was black magic, which was used by followers of the devil, while the other was white magic, which represented a believer of the gods.

However, after a massive disaster, those who had black magic and white magic died successively, and all traces of magic was wiped out from this mainland. All that people knew was just rumors regarding magic.

Recently, people would always relate disasters to the black witches who once mastered black magic, while the ambassadors of the white magic never appeared ever again.

Yet, at this very instant, the Bishop of York's heart palpitated fiercely.