
Tang Wu walked to the window and glanced downstairs.

She bit her lip and saw that the figure by the flower bed was drenched.

She did not speak and neither did he, as if he was still stubbornly waiting for her to say good night.

She closed her eyes and hung up.

The figure downstairs glanced upstairs.

That apartment was dark and there was no light, just like his eyes.

After Tang Wu hung up, she walked toward the living room.

She opened the door and went down the stairs.

Her apartment was not on a high floor, so she arrived downstairs very quickly.

That tall figure was still standing by the flower bed like a statue.

Tang Wu walked over quickly.

She did not take an umbrella.

Seeing her coming over, he seemed to be stunned for a moment.

When he regained his senses, he hurriedly raised his hands to cover her head.

Tang Wu grabbed his wrist and pulled him over under a shelter.