
She looked up from his arms and looked at his impeccable facial features and clean and handsome face. She held her hands up and kissed his pink lips.

He held her hand in his warm palm. "He said that you still have him in your heart."

Tang Wu was stunned for a moment before she regained her senses and rubbed his face. "Do you believe him just because he said so? Can't you tell how much I like you now?"

He looked at her, his eyes dark. "Don't lie to me."

Tang Wu smiled. "You're really gullible."

After breakfast, Tang Wu asked him, "Are you training for the day?"

"Instructor Chen arranged an apartment for me and I'm moving in the afternoon."

Tang Wu brushed his messy hair and looked at his pleasing face. She smiled and said, "I'll help you."


Tang Wu went to the company in the morning.

When it was time to meet Lan Yue, she drove to his dormitory.