No Man Is Content

Ye Ling had been recuperating for quite some time, and he could finally move around and sit up. His bones had not recovered yet, and his injuries still hurt a little. He forced his way to get up.

When there was a first time, there would be a second time. Slowly, he could get on the wheelchair.

Although he despised it.

Shen Qianshu smiled and said, "Master, you look charming even when you are on a wheelchair."

On the wheelchair, the first thing Ye Ling wanted to do was to go out in the sun. Ye Ling pushed him out for some sunshine, and the sun was really bright. The weather was comfy, and everyone felt lazy. Shen Qianshu accompanied him under the sunlight.

Good times!

Spring had approached. Bright flowers bloomed freely, and vines lingered around in the courtyard.

Zhong Ran passed Ye Ling a mini laptop. "Master, a lot of work has been piling up. Time to clear them."