Fun For Two

Ever since Ye Ling could sit up, he had been working hard. When he was lying down, he had accumulated piles of work to do, and those could not be ignored. There were many things that required him to attend to personally. He had to do video conferences that lasted for up to five hours every single day.

Shen Qianshu was really unhappy about it. He had not fully recovered, and if he were to work for such long hours as before, he would definitely have digestion issues, and his health would recover even more slowly. Shen Qianshu was really worried, and she had been trying to lure Ye Ling to have some rest flirtatiously.

"Master, let's have an afternoon nap together?" Shen Qianshu tugged at his arm and shook it lightly. She was like a girl who loved attention and loved sticking around him. Ye Ling was glued to his laptop and holding a conference. Shen Qianshu's voice was really soft, and she was not in the video either.