Sly Second Master Ye

A bolt of fury flashed past Shen Qianshu's crystal clear eyes. Her hands were trembling with anger, and it was as if poisonous weeds were spreading wildly in her heart. She had a strong urge to slash the old lady with a knife. A slash was not even enough to slake her hatred. How dare she threaten him like that.

Going to court and bringing out evidence of Ye Ling's mental illness.

This meant that the whole world would know that Ye Ling was a lunatic—a mentally disordered person. To Ye Ling, this was applied huge mental pressure in itself. During the times in Golden City, even though Ye Ling's behavior was slightly weird, he was a man with extremely great strength and skill. Thus, not many people were suspicious of him too. If the old lady brought out evidence of his mental illness, the whole world would surely believe her. She was his grandmother after all!

This old lady was really too evil.

Why would there be such an evil person like her in this world?