There's Someone To Inherit Master's Mantle

Shen Qianshu looked up. In her clear and beautiful eyes, there was tenderness and also firmness. Coupled with strength and gentleness, they were filled with determination too. "In my heart, no matter how much inheritance there is, it cannot be compared to Ye Ling's reputation at all. Even if he's dead, I will not allow anyone to tarnish his reputation too. Allow me to properly think of a countermeasure."

She needed to think of a perfect strategy to solve this problem.

She could not give the assets to them; these assets were Master's whole life's hard work. She also could not let the old lady reveal Master's illness. If his illness were to be revealed, Master would become a laughing stock, and everybody would be pointing fingers and talking about him. Even if he could not feel it, she would not allow that to happen too.

"Alright, no matter what decision sis-in-law makes, I will support you."