You Are Not My Sister

When it was nearing the annual event, Ye Tingyun would be very busy. The seventh of July was a very important date. It was the day he first met Emma, and it was also the day he established MISS. As for the feelings of anticipation, commemoration, and the emotions that year, he very rarely had them again after that year. This was the only matter that he did wholeheartedly. He missed her. He wanted to look for her and love her.

If Ye Tingyun had any thoughts, his thoughts were rather deep, and Ye Chu was unable to tell them. However, she could feel that he was a little depressed. There was a performance by the secretary group. Mi Er was originally having a piano performance, but Emma was careless and splashed hot water onto her arm in the tea room. It caused the back of her hand to be injured. Emma was so frightened that she was about to cry. Mi Er was the big sister, and she also did not blame her. She was only afraid that her performance would be a problem.