The Heart-throb Little Cutie

"Ye Tingyun said that you have never attended school and have been living in the sea. The land is different from the sea. It is not bad to learn a life skill and develop your own hobby. You are still so young. You'll surely discover what you like to do." Shen Qianshu was unlike Xiao Ju, who said that if she did not like it, then she should not learn. Instead, she encouraged Ye Chu to learn more things.

Every person will find what he or she likes to do. They will practice, train, and reflect on their own social values thereafter. Life is neither long nor short. Everyone should live a meaningful life. This is not to say that simply idling is not acceptable; it would just be a little less exciting. Gradually, you will also drift further away from Ye Tingyun. A woman who is focused is attractive.