Lea, You Need To Quickly Get Promoted.

After Gu Mengmeng's little scene, all the males in Sandy's household were all brought in line and got along harmoniously. They no longer questioned why Bode became so cowardly before Gu Mengmeng, and no longer puzzled over why Collin immediately caved with just one casual glance from her.

Mmm, it was necessary to draw on their seniors 'experience.

Thereafter, Gu Mengmeng held Sandy as she sang the song "Dowry". This was something Gu Mengmeng had promised Sandy previously. She would sing this song for her every time she got a new partner.

As Bode and Collin were not around, one of Sandy's older partners Adali had to lead. Including the battered-up Hodgson and Jerry—who had to be supported by the others in a standing position—everyone stood in a line before Gu Mengmeng and bowed. "Queen, thank you for not being a male."

Gu Mengmeng smiled. She was already used to their way of saying thanks, which she had found rather embarrassing at the beginning.