A Small Matter Like Dying, Just Leave It To A Beast Pet Like Me.

Elvis looked at Lea so solemnly that Lea immediately withdrew his playful smile. Raising his brows, he fixed his slanted eyes on Elvis. "Are you planning something which I don't know about?"

Elvis sighed. "I knew becoming a Beast King would attract a bunch of wolves, which will give rise to a lot of trouble. But I still wanted to become a Beast King. Do you really not know the reason behind my goal?"

Lea was stunned for a moment before turning away. "I don't know. I don't know anything. Anyway, I will not get promoted. I will remain a fourth-level beast which is just enough to suppress any other male with the intention to pursue Mengmeng"

Elvis grabbed Lea's shoulder to stop him from leaving. "It is precisely because of your slackened attitude since I became the Beast King, that I wanted to talk to you today. Preparing for the worst has always been your way. We cannot withstand another unexpected attack."