Succubus Village

[5 days later]

It was midday, and they arrived at Succubus Village.

Luka: This is the Succubus Village? It seems so lifeless…

There are villagers walking around, but they all seems so gloomy.

Alice: The Purple Sabbath is tonight. Tonight the purple moon will be full…

Solo: Meh… What possibly can go wrong?

[This night]

Solo was just slammed in a building from a monster who had incredibly physical strength.

Solo: Why did I said those words…


Solo, Luka and Alice separated once again to talk with the villagers, but Solo and Alice catched something interesting with their senses, it seemed that some girls here were Succubi in disguise.

Later, they were grouped once again in an inn.

Luka: It looks like the Innkeeper evacuated.

Then he walked to a bed while Solo and Alice were nearby.

Luka: Now I just need to wait for them to attack…

Alice: As usual, I don't care about this… I'll just give one word of advice. It seems like you're assuming that the Succubi will attack from the outside. But the most troublesome part of the Purple Sabbath is the Succubization of humans.

Solo: Humans turning in Succubi? This is new…

Alice: When the purple moon is full, women who hold potential will turn into Succubi one after another.

Luka: Then… They aren't going to attack from the outside?

Alice: Everyone seems to imagine an army of Succubi descending on the city or something. But… To welcome their new companions, there are some senior Succubi that concealed themselves in the village beforehand.

Solo: So you found out about them too.

Alice: It's obvious, I'm the Monster Lord. Even if my ability can't be compared to your Pesquisa, I can sense if someone is a monster or not.

Luka: Senior Succubi hid in the village beforehand…? But I didn't see anything suspicious when I was walking around…

Solo: Jeez, brat, we need to work in your instinct in our next training…

Alice: You are right. Still, I don't care about this so I'll take my leave, Solo?

Solo: I will stay here… I have a really bad feeling...

Alice: A bad feeling?

Solo: Yeah… Something really dangerous will come… And I trust my guts, they saved me from being squashed from Yhwach's reiatsu when I was a lesser hollow.

Alice nodded and vanished, then Luka stretched his body in the bed.

Luka: I need to prepare myself before midnight. Ahh… That reminds me of when I was a kid, and I tried to stay up late.

Solo: Yeah yeah, now go to sleep, I'll wake you up.

Luka: Alright, good night Solo.

Solo: Good night.

Then Luka started to rest, some minutes later, Solo took out his shirt and got in front of the mirror, and looked at himself, he wanted to check if something changed while he fought against Kanon, and seen that only his eyes changed, unfortunately he can't turn them back to normal.

Solo: *Sigh* It will be difficult communicating with other people at eye contact...


The Purple Sabbath started, and like Solo said, he woke Luka.

Luka: E-Eh? What's happening? Solo?

Solo: The thing started.

Luka: Oh right! The Purple Sabbath! Let's go, Solo.

Solo nodded and took his things before leaving with Luka.

They were walking outside, but nothing happened, there was absolutely no one, until Solo sensed something and said.

Solo: At the bar, there is a succubus.

Luka: Alright!

Then Luka rushed in the bar, while Solo walked in another direction, Luka started to fight against a succubus.

Solo was walking in a dark alley, and like he sensed, there was a succubus sucking dry a young man, but before she could finish the work, Solo appeared behind her and grabbed her wing, and before she could react, she was thrown against a wall.

The succubus was confused about what was happening and tried to get out from the wall, but she felt an hand over her throat and opened her eyes to find a pair of golden eyes surrounded from the most dark black, who was strangling her.

The succubus, horrified, tried to use her abnormal strength to escape, but Solo didn't moved for a millimeter, then the succubus fell unconscious due to losing air, and Solo let her go.

Then he proceeded to walk towards the Chief's house, he sensed that Luka was going there too.


Luka kicked down the door, and said.

Luka: Where are you!?

Then he heard a crash at the wall opposite from the door, and seen Solo.

Luka: You are here too!

Solo: If you noticed this, how can I not notice that too? You dumb fuck…

Two people appeared at that moment.

Chief: Hehe, you two made it all the way here, did you? I knew the kid is different from the other soldiers, but I didn't expected an unfamilia-

She was talking and turned towards Solo, but she flinched when she seen his eyes, then she recovered and said.

Chief: Whatever…

Then both them turned in succubi.

Succubus: Hehe… We're not humans who have been turned into Succubi. We were both born as Succubi.

Chief: Our family has passed down the Chief position in this village from generation to generation. Every 100 years, we spread our seductive power into the village to turn the villagers into Succubi. That's the Purple Sabbath…

Luka: Guh… So that's what's happening!

Chief: Witch… Go finish the ceremony. I'll deal with these guys.

Witch: Got it, I'll leave this to you.

Solo: I don't think so…

Then Solo used Sonido to appear in front of the Witch, and pierced her body, but it didn't made resistance, and Solo got through the Witch body.

Solo: What…

Witch: I knew something like this would happen, this is just magic, my real body is elsewhere, and almost finished the ceremony, but I wanted to say one thing before leaving…

This is all your fault, at the start, we tried to revive the Legendary Succubus Lilith, but thanks to your strange dark presence which distorted the ceremony to something bigger, we can summon something more terrifying than the Monster Lord herself… Our first Ancestor!

Solo was shocked from her words, because Tamamo told him about the Ancestors while Solo was watching Luka's fight with the Queen Ant.


Luka just put Angel Halo dangerously near the Queen Ant's neck.

Solo: *Whistles* Those spars really worked then…

When he finished talking, he sensed something else just under him, and found Tamamo's figure waving at him, Solo raised an eyebrow and descended towards her.

Solo: Hello, Tamamo.

Tamamo: Hi, Solo, you are ok…

She was surprised from Solo's eyes but shrugged it off, because she had more important things.

Solo: Yep, why are you here?

Tamamo: I wanted to talk with you about something… It's about the monster you attacked at Undine's Spring.

Solo: The plant?

Tamamo: Yes… She is Kanon, and like me, she is one of the Six Ancestors…

Solo: Six Ancestors?

Tamamo: Yes, we are created from the first Monster Lord to create descendants of our races, me, Tamamo-no-Mae, am the ancestor of all animal monsters, then there is Minagi, the ancestor of all Succubi monsters, capable of sendint sexual excitement of human males to the extremes.

Then there is Hiruko, the ancestor of all Scylla monsters, even if her magical power is lower than mine, her physical strength is just as strong as yours.

Then there is Kanade, the ancestor of all Slime monsters, being the ultimate slime, which gives her immense durability, and her greed and gluttony knows no bounds.

Then there is Kanon, which you already killed, she is the most cruel of us, using her carnivorous plants to strengthen her Plant Core.

And at last, there is Saja, the ancestor of all Lamia and Harpy monsters, she is extremely arrogant, and her magic is really strong, similar to Hiruko's strength and your energy.

I want to warn you about them, because since one is free, I can't guarantee that the others will stay inside their seals, and you are one of the few capable to kill them.

Solo had a serious face and nodded, then Tamamo said goodbye and left.


Solo: Luka!!

Luka turned towards him, and was curious from seeing Solo panicking.

Solo: Get away right now!!

Luka didn't knew what's happening, but seeing Solo behave like this made him worried so he left away like Solo said.

Then some seconds later, a dark presence covered the entire Succubus Village, almost every man fell in the ground, unconscious, except for Luka who was running after sensing the dark presence, and Solo who was extremely strong.

Solo: Tsk…

Solo extended his arm towards the Chief and shot out a bala, killing her, then he looked back towards the source of this dark presence, and unleashed his reiatsu, not caring anymore about his surroundings, and attracting the Succubus Ancestor's, Minagi's, attention towards him.