Solo, the 0th Espada VS Minagi, the Succubi's Ancestor


Luka took down some weaker succubi without stopping running, he wanted to help Solo, but he knew he couldn't do anything to help him, so he just ran, sealing with one hit weak succubi while avoiding stronger ones.

While he was running away, there was always that dark presence that was watching him, and when he almost reached the exit for the village, something appeared in front of him, stopping his movements.

When Luka looked at what it was, he got an erection, because the girl was one of the most beautiful women he ever seen, which could be compared to Alice.

She had long hair, a left it was purple while at right it was light green, she had red eyes, and a really big bust, behind here there was 3 pairs of succubus wings, and for last, the only thing that covered her was a long white ribbon.

She was the succubi's ancestor, Minagi, and was smirking.

Minagi: Oh? What a cute kid… I decided, you will be the first one I will harvest...

Suddenly, an enormous pressure crashed over them, Minagi didn't even flinched, while Luka, even if he was away from Solo, he had his back bent forward.

Minagi had an excited expression.

Minagi: This presence… It's him… The one who freed me…

Then Minagi disappeared, making Luka sigh in relief, and with some difficulty, he escaped from the village, and met with Alice.

Alice: Luka? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be inside saving the village?

Luka: It was Solo… He told me to run away…

Alice: Nn? Why would he do it?

Luka: I think I know the reason… There was a succubus, but her presence was suffocating… it was so strong that not even the Heavenly Knights could compare…

Alice: A succubus stronger than the heavenly knights… I don't know who she is…

Luka: So, it's another unknown monster… Oh right, I heard about a Senior Succubus talking about summoning their first ancestor…

Alice frozen in her place and screamed.

Alice: WHAT?!?!

Luka jumped in air, frightened, and while trembling a bit, he asked.

Luka: W-What's the problem?

Alice: ...There is a possibility that Solo may be killed… If today wasn't the Purple Sabbath, then I was sure he would win, but with this event, I don't know anymore…

Then Alice and Luka turned towards the village, and watched.


Solo used his reiatsu as a bait, if it was his presence that caused distortions in the ceremony, then it was his reiatsu that should have a big effect with the Ancestor, and indeed, she appeared in front of Solo, but unlike Luka, he didn't have any reaction.

Minagi: So, it's you… The one who freed me…

Solo raised an eyebrow at her words, and she continued to talk.

Minagi: I heard everything from the succubus who summoned me, she had planned to summon Lilith and Lilim, some succubi from 500 years ago, but your existence alone in this ceremony, enchanted it… And now they were able to summon me. So I must thank you...

Solo: *Sigh* I just came here to follow a kid… What happens now?

Minagi: For thanking you, I will make you my first after 1000 years of sealing, but first, I would like to know the name of the person who had a major contribute on the ceremony.

Solo: Haaaah…. I am Solo Virtuta, the 0th Espada, and don't think I will fall in front of you, I already beaten Tamamo, and killed Kanon, now it's your turn…

Minagi: Oh? So you won against 2 Ancestors, but you can't hope to win against me, thanks to the Purple moon, my abilities got a big boost.

Solo didn't talked anymore, and unsheathed his sword while maintaining his reiatsu. Minagi put herself in a stance and waited for Solo.

Solo: 'Tsk… She is at my same level… I need to be careful…'

Then Solo used sonido to reappear in front of her, she was a bit surprised from his sudden speed, but she was fast enough to react and send her white ribbon against him, but he vanished once again, and reappeared behind her, ready to slash her wings.

But she reacted again fast and blocked his slash, the force between the two of them distorted the space right between Solo's sword and Minagi's ribbon, then they separated from each other.

Minagi: I didn't expected you to be so stro- Guh…

She was interrupted when Solo headbutted her while she was talking, and made her fly some steps back with a small bruise on her forehead.

She was pissed off from being interrupted and charged her arm with dark energy, and blocked another hit from Solo before she grabbed his leg and threw him away.

When Solo crashed in a building, he said.

Solo: Why did I said those words… (AN: Look at the previous chapter, precisely at the start)

Then Minagi flew towards him with her fist charged with dark energy, but Solo quickly extended an hand and shot a cero, she seen that and didn't have time to dodge, so she crossed her arms, then it impacted and slightly burned her arms, but she was stopped.

When the smoke cleared, she looked forwards and seen Solo's feet right over her eyes, and both his legs slammed in her face, making her fly to the ground.

Solo stood up in the sky, and watched her who was recovering from his hit in the face, Minagi got up and noticed blood flowing out from her nose, which she cleaned and looked at Solo.

Minagi: I congratulate with you… You are one of the few able to damage me… But it will not be enough!

Then Minagi flew over the ground and created a black orb in her hand and threw it to Solo, he analyzed the strength of the attack, and it was suspiciously really weak, so he decided to play it safe and dodged it, but when it passed near him, it suddenly expanded.

Solo: Wha-

Solo was engulfed from the black orb, while Minagi was smirking.

Minagi: Let's see how you will go against sexual attacks… I'll do it personally.

Then Minagi disappeared from the world while the black big orb stood in the sky.

[In the orb]

Solo opened his eyes and found himself in a room, he looked around and tried to sense everything, but strangely, his pesquisa wasn't working, then he finally he remembered the place, it was the inn at Illiasburg, where he slept with Alice.

Then he felt something touching his shoulder and turned to see Alice, who was smiling and was naked, then Alice pushed him in the bed, strangely her strength was really big.

Then she lowered his pants and started doing a titjob, Solo's eyebrow twitched and gritted his teeth from the pleasure, and looked at Alice with clouded eyes, he blinked and instead of Alice, there was Minagi, who used her ribbons to block his movements.

Solo: Wha- Hmmmph!

Solo's mouth was blocked from another ribbon, they started to go around him, and he was unable to move at all while Minagi was smirking, and sucked on Solo's tip of his dick while using her boobs.

Solo couldn't do much with his restricted movements so he can just feel.

Solo: 'She may be my enemy, but damn… Her mouth feel really good…'

Minagi: Oh? Thank you for the compliment.

Solo: Hmmph?! 'You can hear my thoughts?!'

Minagi: Yes, in my domain…*Slurp*... I can do this and much more… *Slurp*...

Then she stopped doing a titjob and put her face right at his dick while sniffing a bit.

Minagi: Woah… You smell so good, and strong… You are the first man to have such a good smell, I decided, you will be my lover…

Then she licked all the way from the base to the tip of the dick, and put it in her mouth and started to move her tongue around it, after 10 minutes, he couldn't resist anymore her technique and came.

Minagi still had her smirk and drank all of his cum.

Minagi: Even your semen is so good… I wonder how you will feel inside me…

Then Minagi crawled over Solo's chest and felt his dick touching her ass, then she used her hand to place the tip of it right at her pussy, and took it all inside at once.

Surprisingly, it was Minagi who moaned instead of Solo.

Minagi: It has even a perfect shape…

Then she started to slowly move her hips, and felt a different pleasure compared to the other men she raped, it felt really good inside her, meanwhile Solo was gritting his teeth, trying to control his body.

Later, she stood up while having his dick inside her, and started doing the Cowgirl style, amazingly, Solo still didn't came, proof of his enormous willpower that he used to take control of the other millions of souls inside his body.

An hour late, he couldn't resist anymore and came inside her, but unlike Minagi expected, Solo's body wasn't dried out, nothing changed, and this shocked her because even after coming once, every man would at least be dry, in the verge of death.

Minagi: What are you?

Solo: 'Bitch, I'm not going to tell you anything!'

Minagi then smirked and said.

Minagi: Is that so? Then I'll just continue until you will be addicted.

While she was saying those words, Solo's hand started to bleed due his nails, at Hueco Mundo, he was prepared for things like this case, where he couldn't move or when he didn't have his zanpakuto, so he let his nails at least long and sharp enough to injure someone or himself.

Meanwhile, Minagi removed her ribbon from his mouth and kissed him, while moving her hips up and down, her tongue was going inside Solo's mouth, and started to play with his tongue, 15 seconds later, Minagi separated from him and said.

Minagi: Anything to say?

Solo: '*Sigh* My resurreccion will be useless now…' Yes… If there is an hell, I'll see you there.... Gran Rey Cero...

Minagi just noticed a scarlet glow in Solo's left palm, but Solo did something that he himself would never dared to do, he crushed the Gran Rey Cero in his hand, every hollow knows, that more the target is near, more damage a cero will do, and at this distance it would have the biggest damage possible.

Minagi sensed the danger and quickly covered herself in dark energy to protect herself while unconsciously hugging Solo.


The Succubus Village was lifeless, there were only dried men in the ground, while the Succubi already left, Luka and Alice were worried for Solo, until they seen a scarlet glow, Alice was really familiar with it so she took Luka and got away as fast as she could, while Luka watched everything.

The Village was engulfed from a scarlet orb, which was still expanding, and destroyed the forest around the village, some dozen of seconds later, the orb stopped growing and released an explosion of the same size.

The clouds in the sky were split apart, the ground was reduced in nothingless, and the air was suffocating, when the smoke cleared, there was only a giant hole which extended for 50 kilometers from the center.

In the middle of the hole there were two figures, the first was the one of an unconscious Minagi, who lost her ribbons, her 3 pairs of wings, her tail, and was completely naked.

She survived thanks to pumping all of her dark energy around her body, leaving her tail and wings alone, and now she didn't have any trace of dark energy inside her.

Under her, there was Solo, who was unconscious too, he seemed uninjured in his body, but… his left arm disappeared, because he can't use both hierro and Gran Rey Cero.

Later, Alice and Luka came, and seen the scene, both of them were unconscious and glued to each other, Luka noticed the absence of wings, tail and ribbons from Minagi, while Alice screamed in fear, Luka jumped from her sudden scream and worriedly asked.

Luka: What's happening!?

Alice just pointed to Solo's missing left arm, and Luka's eyes widened in shock and fear, while his pupils shrank to the size of needles.

Luka: W...What…?! SOLO!!!

Luka and Alice quickly rushed toward Solo, and moved Minagi's unconscious body away, then they checked him, fortunately only his arm missed and he was just unconscious.

Then they took both Solo and Minagi away, they took the latter too for a talk with her.